Dental Colleges in Manipur
Dental Colleges

Top Dental Colleges in Manipur-2024 Ranking, Fees, Cutoff

in this article we will discuss about Top Dental Colleges in Manipur know about admission process for BDS / MDS Courses, Fees, Cutoff, Counselling. All Admission will be through NEET Counselling.

Dental Colleges

    NEET Counselling

    Admission Process in Dental Colleges in Manipur

    Manipur State Quota Seats reserved in following colleges.

    Sr. No.Name of CollegesEstablishment YearSeats
    1.Jawaharlal Nehru Institute of Dental Sciences, Imphal2017-1850
    2.Dental College, RIMS, Imphal2013-1450
    Details of Dental Colleges in Manipur

    All Admission in BDS and MDS will be through NEET UG and NEET MDS Counseling.


    CategoryNEET MDS Cutoff
    (Out of 960)
    General50th percentile263
    SC/ST/OBC (Including PwBD of
    40th percentile230
    General (PH)45th percentile246
    NEET MDS Cutoff Percentile


    CategoryQualifying PercentileCutoff scores
    UR/EWS50th Percentile162
    OBC/SC/ST40th Percentile127
    UR/EWS-PH45th Percentile144
    OBC/SC/ST-PH40th Percentile127
    ST-PH40th Percentile127
    NEET UG Cutoff Details

    State MBBS/BDS Counselling:

    State NameLink
    UP NEET UG CounsellingLink for Uttar Pradesh NEET UG Counseling
    Rajasthan NEET UG CounsellingLink for Rajasthan NEET UG Counseling
    Haryana NEET UG CounsellingLink of Haryana NEET UG Counseling
    Himachal NEET UG CounsellingLink for Himachal NEET UG Counseling
    Karnataka NEET UG CounsellingLink for Karnataka NEET UG Counseling
    Bihar NEET UG CounsellingLink for Bihar NEET UG Counseling
    Assam NEET UG CounsellingLink for Assam NEET UG Counseling
    AIQ and State Quota NEET UG

    State NEET MDS Counselling

    State Counseling NameDetails
    Uttar Pradesh NEET MDS Counseling 2025Know about UPNEET MDS Counseling
    Rajasthan NEET MDS Counseling 2025Know about Rajasthan NEET MDS Counseling
    Karnataka NEET MDS Counseling 2025Know about Karnataka NEET MDS Counseling
    Himachal NEET MDS Counseling 2025Know about Himachal NEET MDS Counseling
    Haryana NEET MDS Counseling 2025Know about Haryana NEET MDS Counseling
    MDS State Quota Counselling Details
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    Avatar for N.K. Bansal
    N.K. Bansal
    Nitish Bansal is Senior Education Counselor have knowledge of 12 Years in the filed of career counseling , Their post provide latest and updated information here regarding NEET UG, NEET PG, NEET MDS, NEET SS Counseling.